SFTP To Go: Managed SFTP Cloud Storage as a Service SFTP To Go


Backup and Restore


SFTP To Go is a fully managed secure, scalable and reliable cloud file storage with support for the SFTP, FTPS, S3 and HTTPS protocols. It allows to share and integrate with 3rd parties using popular and secure protocols and automate data management and processing using APIs and webhooks.

  • Secure data transfer and transparent encryption at rest
  • Reliable offsite backup
  • Compatibility and ease of use


SQLBackupAndFTP is an automated tool for backing up and restoring DBMS (SQL Server, MySQL Server, PostgreSQL Server, Azure SQL and Amazon RDS). It enables scheduling of backups, and can store these backups across multiple platforms. SQLBackupAndFTP also provides email notifications for backup status updates, ensuring timely problem resolution and data protection.

  • Send backups to selected storage locations
  • Archive backups
  • Encrypt backups
  • Create backups of local file

How does it work?

Use SQLBackupAndFTP for automatic backup of your DBMS and upload them to SFTP To Go for storage and recovery when necessary.

  1. Open SFTP To Go and go to the CREDENTIALS tab where you will find the connection details.
  2. Launch SQLBackupAndFTP and create a backup job.
  3. In the connection settings, select FTP Server as the storage destination.
  4. Copy the Host from the SFTP To Go page and paste it into the Host Address field in SQLBackupAndFTP. Set the Protocol to SFTP, the Port to 22, and enter your User Name and Password.
  5. Test the connection by clicking the Test button.
  6. Your connection is now established!

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