2020 was more than just face masks and Covid-19 - it’s webhooks and added security too!
What we’ve worked on throughout 2020
Throughout the year, we combined your requests with our lockdown time to provide you FTPS protocol support, inbound network rules, static IPs, webhook notifications on file system changes (and webhook resends), dashboard auditing information, and much more. You can check out the our #News and Updates section to learn more details and stay in the loop. Speaking of, this very blog is another awesome outcome of this year! We're working on more guides, customer stories, and an array of useful information for your benefit.
Accomplishments Breakdown
In spite of the pandemic hitting us in the midst of our advancements, there were great accomplishments (almost more than we could ask for), and all thanks to you! Here is the breakdown in numbers:
There has been a 148% increase of installations since last year, from around 300 to an outstanding 750 by the end of 2020. Additionally, our uptime maintained throughout the year remains at 99.99%.
2021 Roadmap
For a quick look into the future, we are considering adding the option of an independent service, in addition to our Heroku add-on, as requested by some of our customers. We are still remaining part of the Heroku add-on ecosystem, of course!
Before you go
Most importantly, we thrive because of you so we would love to hear your suggestions, comments, and feedback as we transition along into the new year and continue to focus on our main goal, providing you with the utmost customer experience. Please click the chat button (on the bottom-right corner!) and feel free to write Haikus, limericks or real feedback on the things you like or don't like!
This year may just be the best one yet!