Over the course of last year, we’ve been working hard to make SFTP To Go accessible for everybody, in addition to just Heroku users. These past few months have proven the success as we’ve onboarded a few dozens of new customers, collected feedback, and added a number of new features that bring value to many of our customers. Here’s a short list of what we’ve been up to:
Custom usernames
Since 2019, usernames have been automatically generated in SFTP To Go in a manner similar to Heroku Postgres database users or S3 IAM credentials. We still believe that given the current security threats on the one hand and on the other, the prevalence of password managers, it’s an excellent practice to use the good old long, random usernames. However, if you happen to need a custom username, you can now use one as long as it’s at least 10 characters long and unique. When you create a new set of credentials, you can set the username or leave it empty to get a random one. You also have the option to edit existing credentials and update the username.

Inbound network rules at the credentials level
In addition to organization level inbound network rules, we’ve recently added the option to set inbound rules at the credentials level so that a specific username may only be used from a certain IP or IP range. Note that the credentials level rules are combined with the organization level rules so that the client IP must match a rule from one of the lists. Hence, if you’re using the credentials level rules, you wouldn’t want to allow traffic from other IPs at the organization level.

Dark mode
We’ve finally added dark mode to SFTP To Go! You can either switch to dark or light mode manually, or have them configured through your system settings. We go into greater depth about the reasons for the addition of dark mode to our products here, if you’re interested in learning more.
Keyboard shortcuts
Last but not least: we’ve added keyboard shortcuts support to speed up user interaction with all of the keyboard ninjas out there. Simply hit ?
to view available shortcuts and disable or enable them.

Stay tuned for more new features and enhancements and feel free to reach out to us with feedback, questions and ideas!