SFTP To Go: Managed SFTP Cloud Storage as a Service SFTP To Go




SFTP To Go is a fully managed secure, scalable and reliable cloud file storage with support for the SFTP, FTPS, S3 and HTTPS protocols. It allows to share and integrate with 3rd parties using popular and secure protocols and automate data management and processing using APIs and webhooks.

  • 1-click setup and you're ready to go
  • Use your own domain
  • Integrate data without worrying about APIs and automate everything


Shopify is a cloud platform that allows anyone to set up an e-commerce store and sell their products online. With Shopify, shop owners build and customize their online store and sell in multiple places, including the web, mobile, social media and even physical locations. Shopify lets you manage your products and inventory as well as payments, shipping, customer service and more - all from a single and familiar place.

  • Create an e-commerce shop
  • Drive Sales and market your business
  • Manage your day to day - orders, shipping, payments, customer service

How does it work?

Use SFTP To Go to import product data to your online store using Shopify's product CSV file format and update products in bulk. Product images can also be uploaded and exposed to Shopify via public HTTPS read-only access.

Read more to learn how to import files from FTP to Shopify Files using SFTP To Go.

Ready to get started?

Be up and running with your secure cloud storage in seconds

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